Plabita Borthakur

Actor / Singer / Songwriter / Composer

My Story

In the year 2009, I gathered a few dreams in my eyes (and songs in the heart), picked my rucksack, and moved to Mumbai from the quaint, dreamy town of Duliajan.
20 ad commercials, 2 feature films, a few web & TV series, numerous concerts with my band (Manu & Chow), and a couple of music videos since, life has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride.
A mountain lover. I love wandering. In the woods.

My Story

In the year 2009, I gathered a few dreams in my eyes (and songs in the heart), picked my rucksack, and moved to Mumbai from the quaint, dreamy town of Duliajan.
20 ad commercials, 2 feature films, a few web & TV series, numerous concerts with my band (Manu & Chow), and a couple of music videos since, life has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride.
A mountain lover. I love wandering. In the woods.

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